Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Pessach time- Part 1

Hey girls and happy Pessach!

As happy can be with all the cleaning and the not so great food (except for Jen's pecan cake).
Every year I go over the entire house in search of stuff to give away.
Somehow the more I get rid off the lighter I feel after this holiday.

Let me offer you some background music

So lets start with the first batch of stuff:

Boots size 40

knee-high socks and army socks 

knee-high socks and kitchen towels 

 T-shirt size M for geeks only

 skirt size 36-38
another one
 topless top size S-M

 same style different color
top size S-M
 kitchen utensils

 ice cubs maker and "taper wear"

4 large plates (were used for milk)

And now for a nice hairdo one of my favorite readers sent in a few days ago :)
thanks Talli!


  1. And tupperware and ice cube makers (not the fish one, we have that too)

  2. Great! the're yours.
    Please feel free to send pics of stuff you want to get rid of!
